This little feral kitty seems to be asking me, "Is it safe, yet?", but yet he couldn't really trust me for an answer. I happened to be working in my yard one evening when this little sweetheart popped his head out of the limbs of my neighbor's tree. I could tell he was scared, but hungry. I went to get food and my camera. He allowed me to take several shots of him, but wouldn't trust me enough to come down and eat, instead he decided to run away. Little did he know that I adore cats, would have fed him, pampered him, and loved him like I love my indoor kitty. Learning to trust others, and God, is so much like this kitty situation. We want to trust others, but when people have burned us in the past it is hard to forget and trust again. When God doesn't answer our prayers ( the way we asked or hoped he would), instead he sends more hardship our way, more hurt, frustrations, and seemingly unanswered prayers, we panic and run. When the whole time, there are good people out there, waiting to have a trust worthy friend, the same as we, and God is wanting to love you, pamper you, and build your faith, we run before he can show us what the "big picture" is. So we lose out with what could have been for what we "saw" with our big-eyed fear in front of us, our past making our hearts so heavy with doubt and past hurts, that we can't find trust other than in ourselves. We need to know that we can't trust ourselves always, because as humans we are so full of emotions, Emotions play havoc on trust and faith. Learn to let go today, of the past, the pain, the hurt, and go forward. Yep, we can be hurt again, but then again we could learn there is more "good stuff" out there, more joy, more love, more good to be gotten, felt, given, and hoped for.
God bless,
Sandra for prints of this original photo!