Sunday, November 20, 2016

Cow with curls oil painting in the process, with a cat's critique!

If you are new to my blog, welcome. You will soon see that I am very fond of all animals, and I really enjoy painting them. The eyes are usually my focal point, but not always.

My sketch is ready for painting! * You can click on any of the photos to see them in larger pixels!

As usual, I am laying in the darkest of the dark colors, usually called the under-painting. The under-painting is very important if you plan on having a good painting!With oil paint, the darkest colors should go on first. I love painting with oils, because they are so forgiving- meaning, they can be moved around, or easily removed from your canvas. I really enjoy their creamy texture, and yes, I do love the smell of oil paints! They remind me of my childhood, when I would save my weekly allowance in order to buy a paint--by-number set from our local discount store.

I think he is coming along nicely! I've been very blessed to be able to paint on our outdoor,covered patio while the cooler weather moves in and out here in south Texas. Some days have been in the sixties, while some days are back up to the eighty-plus degree mark.

And, of course, I couldn't paint quite as well if I didn't have our loving MaLee watching my paint brush move around on my canvas with such intense interest. I am never sure if she is helping me with some sort of 7th sense, or just wondering if  all of this "fuss" is worth such precious time when I could be fetching her a fresh bowl of tuna?

I hope you are enjoying my work, and will soon return for the finished product.

If you aren't back until next week, make sure to have a wonderful and blessed THANKSGIVING! Truly, we should be thankful, not only on this coming Thursday, but every wonderful day! We are all truly blessed and favored by GOD!

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art

It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...