Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sable Antelope-still in progress by Sandra Cutrer Fine Artist

I haven't posted since before the holidays, and I am really trying hard to play catch-up. I've been working on four paintings at once, two for my art class,which will start back up soon, and this one along with another animal one (a buffalo) that I working on for pure pleasure. I love the bright colors of this beautiful sable Antelope. The photo was taken at the Baton Rouge,Louisiana Zoo a while back, and I am thrilled to have finally found the time to work on it again. I was actually working on it while in Alabama visiting one of our sons ( he keeps a table and place for me to paint while I am visiting him). I hope your holidays were wonderful. Ours were super busy, traveling in different directions to visit family members that are spread far and wide. Stay tuned for my finished work on this big guy, and some newer works I will ( hopefully) soon be posting.

Blessings for the New Year. I hope yours is filled to the brim with joy and answered prayers!

Sandra Cutrer

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...