Saturday, February 18, 2017

Pets who have Crossed Over the Rainbow Bridge original art including a great recipe!

I am an animal lover, and I love painting people's beloved pets (as well as my own), whether they are here with us, enjoying our company as well as we are enjoying theirs, or they have sadly passed on to a place God has made for them while they wait on us.

Sandra Cutrer Fine Art Pet Portraits   
All of the sizes that I am offering, as well as prices, for these original impasto, palette knife paintings are listed in my online Etsy Shop. Please click on any photo for a larger view on my blog, or when you go into my Etsy Shop. Thank you for viewing my art. Please feel free to contact me about your own custom order, or any other options you'd like.I also offer a more detailed option of animal art. Please visit my Etsy Shop and browse to see my other work.

Click on the link toward the bottom left side of the pet portrait to take you to the artist's shop.
Sandra Cutrer Fine Art


A healthy version of Fish and Chips with (a light but OH-SO-DELICIOUS)) Tartar Sauce

2 medium size portions of Cod- or your favorite lean fish, thawed if frozen (I use Alaskan Cod from Costco- so good)!
Lemon juice- approx two tsp
Two tablespoons of Grape-seed oil- or other healthy oils that are able to withstand high heat.
Paprika, about one to two tbsp. Garlic powder- about a teaspoon ( I never actually measure anything anymore), and salt and black pepper to taste.

Frozen sweet potato waffle fries, or regular sweet potato fries- or make your own healthy ones form scratch! Bake your frozen sweet potato fries as directed on package. I spay my baking sheet, already lined with aluminum foil, with a butter-spray like Crisco or Pam.

***Soak up as much of the water in the fish as you can with paper towels. Rub lemon juice on the pieces, and allow it to sit while you continue...

Prepare your Tartar Sauce
 1 cup of Kraft Mayonnaise with Olive Oil
Dehydrated onions (approx 1 tsp), or small chopped fresh onion- about 1/8 cup
1 tsp lemon juice
Yellow mustard
* 1 tsp Tabasco sauce- optional
2 tbsp sweet pickle relish (I use a sugar-free brand)- drain off most of the juice

salt, black pepper, and garlic powder to taste. Mix well. Allow it to sit, while cooking up the fish.

With the sweet potato fries in the oven, soak up most of the lemon juice from your fish, then rub with a mixture of paprika, salt, black pepper, and garlic powder.

Heat your skillet to med-high temperature, adding the grape-seed oil. Once the oil is heated, add your fish, "frying" about 2 minutes on each side. When the fish looks like it is ready to "flake", it is done- remove from heat. Add totally cooked fish to a paper towel lined plate to drain a little of the oil- if preferred.

Ready to serve with your oven-baked sweet potato fries. I added a multi-grain hamburger bun to make myself a fish sandwich, adding on the tartar sauce. My husband ate his fish with tartar on top (he added the Tabasco sauce for some "heat", no bun, and the fries for the side.


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It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...