Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chief Joseph- pastel drawing SOLD! by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Chief Joseph, the famous Nez Perce leader, who resisted an attempt to forcibly remove his band and the other "non-treaty" Nez Perce to a reservation in Idaho, causing him to  become renowned as a humanitarian and peacemaker.

This drawing is sold. If you are interested in a similar drawing, or other commissioned piece by me, please contact me at:
Thanks for reading my blog and viewing my work.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.Matthew 5:9

Sandra Reeves Cutrer for prints, cards, posters, etc.
Artist of Texas blog
International wildlife artist

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wiggles , the dog continues ...

"Wiggles" is coming along nicely. If she were here, I think she would be delighted with the process. Of course I am always wanting to rush my work, but I have learned that my best work always comes from being patient!
It is a beautiful Memorial Day today, in south east Texas. I have family over for the weekend and a few days over that, so I am feeling blessed. We are all so blessed if we live in America, especially. Our worst day may be some one's best day in a war-torn, terrorist controlled country. Although we struggle with differences in this country's government and leadership, as a whole we still remain "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". With so much honor and much gratitude to those they gave their all- their own blood, so we might stand with our hand over our hearts.

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas blog

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wiggles, the dog in stages of creation by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Step #4  in the "creation" stages of Wiggles, the dog, commissioned painting.

After steps 1-3, I allowed Wiggles to dry for a day to keep his colors vibrant.It is so easy to keep painting when you are enjoying your work, but easier still to create mud from paint that is too wet. I am painting him on an 11" x14" Gesso prepped art board in oils.
I sent these step creation photos to the owner of Wiggles yesterday, and she is very pleased, already able to see her dog's personality coming out. Well, that pleases me. Stay with me as I post Ms Wiggles' stages of creation. If you are interested in having your pet's portrait done, or any other subject, please contact me at: for commissions and prices.

Enjoy the holiday weekend, and remember why we are still a free country. Thank you to all of our military -past and present. Thanks,Dad.

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13, New American Standard translation

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas blog
International Wildlife Artist blog

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wiggles, the dog- a commissioned painting in the stages of creation

"Wiggles", a mixed breed pup is my newest commissioned painting. According to his owner, he is very active and gets so excited about his animal and people friends, that he "wiggles" all over. So, being a resue dog, he was promptly named for what he does best!

I don't know if the owner is following my blog, and if she is I sure hope she doesn't "freak" over the lay-in! I explained to her that  the creation of a painting is sort of like a human- one thin layer at a time on top of the framework!
I drew Wiggles first, placing a thin outline on an 11" x 14" canvas board. On a regular stretched canvas, I would normally use a thin charcoal vine to draw with; but with a board, I use graphite, or sometimes just a brush with thin paint and turp. I then start to add in the "colors" that I can see underneath and build up until I get to the final hairs. Like people, animals have some purple veins, and  deep red blood. Their skin has many more different shades and colors than humans, and it all depends on the individual animal.

Don't fret- Wiggles will "wiggle" his way out of these layers and be just as beautiful on art board as he is in person!

"How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number-living things both large and small. (Psalm 104:24-25)

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas blog
and International Wildlife blog were prints of Wiggles will be available when he is finished & other prints of original works by me are available for sell- along with cards, posters, canvas prints, etc.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Texas Longhorn by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

UNFINISHED!  Texas Longhorn bull  painted in oils on a 24" x 30" x 1.25" gallery wrapped canvas. All sides will be painted a dark hue, so this big guy can easily be hung unframed. I still have work to do, but I thought I would post the process.
No one can live in Texas without noticing fields or pastures that are dotted with these big bulls, and their cows. Their extra long and curvy horns are beautiful,but they are a bold statement for uninvited trespassers!
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.  1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

Thanks for reading my blog and looking at my work. For questions, please contact me at:

I'd love for you to become a follower of my blog. Please hit the follow button near the bottom of my page.

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas blog

Friday, May 18, 2012

All That Jazz by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

"All That Jazz" 24" x 24" x 2.5" ! A large gallery wrapped canvas with thick acrylics and oils, using palette knives and wide brushes. This painting was so much fun! Mardi Gras colors remind me of my many trips to the great city of New Orleans.Prices are listed on my main art work page of this blog.

Solomon writes: Eccl. 2:8 “I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. I acquired male and female singers the delights of the sons of men and musical instruments of all kinds”

Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Continuing the Texas Longhorn Bull lay-in by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

 Continuing the lay-in for my large oil painting of my big Texas Longhorn bull. What a big guy. What a lot of paint! What fun!
My husband is carefully watching the progress of this one, as I think he has his eye on it for his office at work. Hmm. We shall see.

I think about the animals, and how time means nothing to them. They live for the moment. In total innocence. In so many ways I wish we humans could live our lives like that. Instead, we know too much, and will be accountable for how we live. I listen to music when I paint, and the song ,"Live Like You Were Dying" was just on my CD player. How would I change today if I knew I were dying? Such a strange thought, but we are all dying- everyday! We can never re-live today, yesterday, or 30 seconds ago. Every day is a gift- a present from God. Oh, how we should indeed live like we are dying, and live like we are accountable for each day- because we truly are!

You`re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You`re blessed when you follow his directions, Doing your best to find him. That`s right- you don`t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. Psalm 119:4

Sandra Reeves Cutrer for prints of my original works
Artist of Texas blog
International Wildlife Artist blog

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Starting the lay- in for a Texas Longhorn by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

This is the start of my newest painting, a Texas Longhorn bull. I'm painting him in oils on a large  gallery wrapped canvas.All the thick sides will be painted a dark hue, so there is no need to frame- just hang him in your favorite room!
I got carried away working and didn't take a photo of the bull drawn into the brown before I started putting in another layer of background and a little detail color.
It never ceases to amaze me as I "birth"a painting! I used to be paranoid if anyone tried to look at my work before it was finished. I think with time and experience that fear has left- well, mostly. If I am drawing something and I'm not happy with the drawing , then I don't really care for on-lookers. Oil paints are so forgiving and easily manipulated. I' m hoping you won't be disappointed with the final painting- I don't think you will!

Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Arist of Texas blog
Contemporary Fine Art International
Wildlife International Artist blog

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Methai and Baylor,Asian Elephants (the finished painting) by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

 I finished  this painting today and feel that I have shown the beauty and family devotion of these great creatures!
Methai and Baylor, two Asian Elephants at the Houston Zoo in Texas, enjoying a cool drink of water from their new pond. Mother and son are painted on a gallery wrapped stretched canvas, size 12" x 12" x 1". All sides will be painted a dark hue, so  it can hang in your favorite room unframed or framed. Please scroll through my works to see all prices.

According to the Houston Zoo Elephant web site, "Asian elephants are the second largest land mammal in the world and one of the most intelligent animals on earth. Unfortunately, it is also one of the world’s most endangered species." This is so sad. I am thankful that there are devoted people,agencies, and zoos ( among other places) that are concerned and taking great steps to insure our future generations enjoy these magnificent Asian elephants!

Colossians 1:16-17 - For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (NIV)

Sandra Reeves Cutrer for canvas prints,posters,cards,etc of my original work
Artist of Texas Blog
International Wildlife Artist blog for CFAI

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lay-in 3rd part of Houston Zoo elephants by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

My 3rd lay-in . I didn't get much time today to work on this, and it seems I haven't been able to get back into my "groove" since all of my traveling- but at least there is a little progress.Progress. We all love it when we feel like we are accomplishing something worthwhile. But, all too often we can go for days,weeks,months or years without seeing anything we feel is a worthy accomplishment. But, we need to remember, God has a plan for our lives. If we put our complete faith and trust in who he is- the master, and yourself as the clay, God can do anything! Actually, God can do anything without us allowing him into our lives, but he can't and won't do what he'd love to do for us if we don't invite him to. There are so many people mentioned in the Bible, but compared to how many years it took to write it, and how  many people were on the earth, 99.99999% of the people were never mentioned. Does that make what they did less important? Does it mean they didn't accomplish anything? NO! Everything we do for God is an accomplishment. That's why the Lord tells us that everything we do, in word or deed, do it all for him. If you do, you will be accomplishing way more than you will ever know here- but in that other life you will see the blessed results of everything- small or great.

WOW! I don't know where all of that came from tonight! I had no intentions of writing a sermon here, but my fingers,mind, and heart flew as I felt compelled to write this for someone, even if it is only for myself. Every small thing is important to God!

He will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." Matthew 25:45

Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Friday, May 4, 2012

Houston Elephants- 2nd part of lay-in by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

These two Houston Zoo elephants have been worked on in TX and LA. I have been on the road for the last two (plus) weeks, making a trip from Texas to Louisiana for 10 days,back to TX (home) where I stayed 6 days after bringing home my good friend of 40 years, then back to LA to take her homeI stayed another 5 days, spending some more time with family, then headed back to Texas-again-this time home-sweet-home for awhile, I hope! Was that too confusing for you??? I know I was rather "confused" myself!LOL! I love traveling, but I sure missed my bed, privacy,art studio, and as I have aged, a routine/daily schedule (as much as possible).
I hope to finish this piece next week, as this weekend will be spent with my husband and resting from my fun,but hectic "vacation"!

Matthew 11:28-29“…Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas blog International Wildlife Artist for canvas prints, posters,cards,etc. of my original works

It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...