Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blue Boy, a feral kitten in oils by Sandra R Cutrer

Blue Boy is a Russian Blue feral kitten that seemed to get stuck in a small tree near my yard. I ran inside, grabbed my camera (for reference photos) and pulled a ladder out of my garage to get this shot. After several great shots, he flew out of the tree like a flash. I left out food, but he never returned. I've painted him in quality oils on an 8" x 10" professional artist board, ready for your favorite frame!Please scroll down to my listing for more of my work. I love taking commissions, especially for animal portraits. You may contact me at: for questions or comments. Thanks for looking at my work and reading my blog.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
SOLD!!! Although "Blue Boy" is sold, I would love to paint one similar to this one as. I would love to paint a portrait of your beautiful beloved pet. Contact me for any questions or comments. Thank you!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Portrait painting commission I am working on

The drawing is done and I have added a couple of layers of paint- lots more work to do, though! This portrait is for a lovely young lady (a gift from her loving Mom) who misses her dad. He passed away from cancer- not my favorite word to hear. Many of you know that I lost my only daughter to ovarian cancer. Sadly, dad very recently passed from cancer. My prayers are continually toward a quick discovery of all cancers! My husband and I support Saint Jude and The Ovarian Cancer Research Center.

I hope you will come back and see my progress with this piece. I am working on several pieces and hope to finish several before the holidays are upon me! Wow, time really does fly. It seems like only a month or two has passed since I took down my Christmas decorations from last year!!!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and thanks for looking at my blog.

To see more of my work, please scroll down. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, have a question, or would like for me to paint your pet or a portrait of someone you love, please contact me at:


“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35 New International Version (NIV)

Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sounds of Paris a city steet scene in oils by Sandra R Cutrer

"Sounds of Paris"

I used one of many photos that I took while in Paris a few years back. My older son and I had a wonderful week running around this glorious city, and I am missing it and wishing I were back there. The sights, the smells, the beautiful museums and so many wonderful people, tons of things to do...

We recently had a death in the family, so I haven't been at my easel for the last week or so.
A death makes me think about life even more than I normally do, and what is truly important. Our lives are so fleeting, so short, "like smoke through a keyhole" or "like a vapor".
Enjoy the people around you, love those you love a little bit harder, and be thankful for the gift of life.

Sandra Reeves Cutrer

To see prices on my work, please scroll to my blog's posted works. Sizes and prices should be listed. Contact me for more information or commissions at:

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Psalm 98:4

It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...