Whistler "labored with pigments so thin as to be merely tinted turpentine". -- Writer John Updike (in "Whistler in the Dark", from Still Looking: Essays on American Art, p.95).
I actually made a very wet glaze of white to make it a little more "misty" since I kept making the values a little too dark in a few areas. I have been told to never paint a white glaze on anything, so I broke the "rule" and did what I thought was best! Everything we paint can't be a master piece, but it can be a part of who we are. Just like life, we try, we win, we lose, we fall,we run on the mountain tops, we sit in the valleys, we learn, we stumble. But these are all pieces in our life "puzzle". God is in control,all right, you just have to take the time to pray- talk to him, and listen. Ah,listening. That is a gift these days!
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"- Proverbs 1:5, NIV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
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