Sunday, August 13, 2017

Painting purple Clematis in oil paints, and a Crepe Myrtle tree not massacred by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

I love Clematis, and I don't know why I haven't painted it before. Clematis is actually a gorgeous flowering, easy-to-grow vine. So, here goes. 

I start off with some dark purples, and the red that I see in the blooms. I think i ma going with a textured look. I've already dipped into the background with greens. I use a Phthalo green, Sap green, and Thalo yellow green. I also add some French Ultra Marine blue in the mix at times- for the darker greens.

I work fast, so I don't "over-work" my piece. A close-up shot reveals lose and large strokes. I use a palette knife, as well as a large and small brush,

Here is a shot of the canvas side. Although it is only a .75" wrapped canvas, I usually try to always paint the sides of my canvases, just in case my buyer would rather not frame the work.

A shot of a timid bloom.

The finished painting.

I hope you've enjoyed a few steps in my painting process. Please click on the link provided below to go directly to my Etsy Shop, where this piece is listed for sale.

Blessings to you and yours, 
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Fine Art

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Painting a Bull in Oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer Fine Art

 I apologize right off. I did not take enough photos of my painting process. I get so carried away at times, once my sketch is ready, I can hardly wait to add my brilliant, happy, and creamy oils colors! Truly, on the days I am able to paint, it is like being a kid at Christmas!!!

 I have my  pencil sketch ready on my 16" x 20" stretched canvas. I always keep a copy of my reference photo near, or attached, to my easel. I wish I was talented enough to paint form images in my head, but that has never been the case for me. I love taking my own photographs for my paintings, to avoid any one  trying to claim my work was copied from one of their photos. I took the photos of this gorgeous bull on the outskirts of Fredricksburg,TX. I've visited this quaint, tourist-loving town, on many occasions.I love shopping the old downtown stores, and visiting their great art galleries, restaurants, and spending a few nights in one of the many getaway cabins offered in this area.

Here I have already added many stokes of the undercoating, nose area, ears, and a flow of the way the hide hair is growing on this magnificent bull. It was a bull, and no, there were no horns on him, so I assume he is a polled bull. I have tried to research the breed, but wasn't able to pull up anything that looked exactly like him! I've attached a little bit of facts about that below:Polled cattle have absolutely no horns, nor scurs nor bare spaces where a pair of horns may have been, whatsoever. The best way to tell is if a cow, bull, steer or heifer is polled is by looking at the poll, itself located just above and between the ears. If it forms some sort of peak, then the animal is indeed polled, not horned, scurred or dehorned.
  • Many cattle breeds that are being used for commercial beef and dairy which have been historically horned also have cattle which are polled. Naturally polled breeds, though, do not have both horned and polled cattle.

I have worked on creating a soft background, so I don't take away form the focal point- this amazing animal! I was surprised that he allowed me to take many photographs of him, never moving, flinching, or fussing at me.Of course, I was a safe distance away, with a fence between us. He was probably interested in me as much as I was in him, or maybe it was more about wondering if I were a new face coming to give him his afternoon meal!

Here is my finished painting. He sold right away, shipped in a wood frame, and ready to hang. My buyer let me know she was well pleased with her newest oil painting. But, I think I am always more pleased than my buyers, when I can make someone happy with my art work.

Please come back and visit my blog.
 I hope you are all keeping cool during this HOT August weather. I am staying inside as much as possible,although Malee is still insistent that she be allowed to "sun" on the patio. No need to worry, I pick her up and bring her in periodically, as well as make sure she has a bowl full of fresh water, and her healthy kitty food.

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art

Monday, August 7, 2017

Painting a cat in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer Fine Art

As you can see, I am using a reference photo. No matter how hard I try, MaLee refuses to pose long enough  for me to paint her portrait.She prefers the quick camera shots!

I have my sketch in, and decided to add the background color first. Most of the time I wait on the background color, either at least half-way through my painting, or until the very end. But, today I've decided to add in the background color first because of the bright color I've chosen, helping me to  keep my other colors on the brighter side. At times we may feel that the background color helps us to build up the rest of our painting. It all depends on how you feel. If you aren't sure, or just beginning to paint, wait on your background color. Later, the correct colors for the background will come to you!

Here I've added in a layer of her blue, blue eyes (exactly what  drew me in to rescue her), as well as her petite nose, and of course, the dark under-painting areas. They are made up of a mixture of Alizarin Crimson red and French Ultra-marine blue, thinned with some odorless turp.

Note that I have placed some of the eye color under her neck area. When I start adding in her light coat colors, the blue will be there to add a sort of shadowed effect. Always add several of your colors in more than one place, to create a way for the viewers eye to roam throughout the whole painting. A color here and there, with no link, will make a choppy painting effect and lose your viewer!

I am building up her coat, not too light, not too much at once. I always allow my newest layer to dry before adding another one.  If you don't do this, you will end up with a muddy mess. Oils =  PATIENCE!

Here is my completed painting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through this blog, or  form my Etsy Shop, where I sell my work.  I love taking custom orders, so feel free to send me any photos you have of your beloved pet, or one of a friend you've like to surprise with a forever treasured gift! Just click on the link below and it will take you directly to my shop.

Wishing you many blessings for a wonderful week,
Sandra Cutrer 

Fine Art

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Painting a dog in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer Fine Art

 A beloved dog's portrait in oils on an 11" x 14" smooth Masonite panel.

NOTE: Click on any of the photos to view them larger than they are posted on the blog.
As always, I start with a simple sketch. I use a wash made from a mixture of Alizarin Crimson red and ultra marine blue- equal parts. I add  some turp to a bit of this, thinning the paint so I make a good outline of the sketch, and start placing some of the 'darks' where they need to be in the under-painting. Always with oils, you will need to add some of your darks first. Since this is a "black" dog (remember there is no real black in nature), I am actually adding a reddish under-painting. This dog has a reddish/purplish skin underneath her coat.

Here I have started placing some of the lights on the face, and a background layer. Nothing is close to being completed here., that's why I call it ,"The UGLY Stage"!

I start to place some of the dog's coat colors in at this stage. I always allow my under-painting to dry before adding another, or I will end up with a "muddy" mess!

I am perfecting her tongue and teeth, have the eyes close to being completed. More of her gorgeous coat layers are added.

As you can see, I have added more and more layers of her shiny dark coat, with an equal parts mixture of the Alizarin Crimson.

This custom ordered dog portrait is completed. She is painted in oils on an 11" x 14", prepped and smoothed with Gesso, Masonite panel. Note the detail of the dog's ears. And, yes, that is a true white spot in her left ear (right when viewing), her owners never noticed on her- until they saw the painting!

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog, and seeing a few of the steps in creating a dog in oil paints.
I would love to create a custom painting of your pet.Please contact me from this blog, or my email address:

Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jaguar steps to painting in oils by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

Welcome to my art blog!!!

You may click on any photo at any time to view a larger photo!

I start with my sketch, and focus first- always- on the darkest areas. I like to refer to these as "the darks and the darkest darks. .Where are they? How dark? Lets' make a mix! I use  Alizarin crimson red and equal parts Ultra marine blue to make my "black".You will rarely ever use black from the tube! It is too dark, and there are not any true backs in nature. Black is not considered an actual color on the color wheel. BTW, neither is white!

Here you can see that I've used a wash of the color mix. Meaning, I thin the dark mixture with some odorless turps. You might think of it as a purple, and not a black. If it is too 'purple', add some more of the ultramarine blue to your mix. NO BLACK  :)

Here you can see that I've worked on those dark ares, and started a mix for his golden fur. Try to enjoy mixing up a batch of the colors from the artist color wheel. See what  looks good, and take notes on how much of each color you added. You'll be able to mix faster as you continue to paint.

Here is a close-up shot of his head. As you can see,I am layering the paint. Take your time, allow your paint to dry some before you try adding another layer. The best way for me to be patient with that is to have 2 or 3 paintings going on at the same time. I'll confess, I've had 5- 6 going on at once- rarely, but I have done it. WHAT FUN!!!

As you can see, I've started adding in detail to the stone/ cave area. 

Here he is- finished! I am very satisfied with the completed painting. I've titled him. Please go to my Etsy shop to view this painting listed for sale! Just click on the link below:

 I hope that you've enjoyed my steps to painting a gorgeous Jaguar. I think they are such elegant cats! I hope you'll return soon to read my other blogs!

Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Pink Tango Roseate birds in oils on canvas by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

I've started my sketch, and a little glaze of thinned oil paint.This will be a dancing pair of Roseate birds. They have a gorgeous peachy-pink color when they have been feeding well on seafood that is loaded with iodine!

A thin wash of the darkest "shadow" colors, or undercoat, is a good beginning to creating these beautiful birds in oils on canvas.

It seems to be flowing nicely...

The finished piece. I love it!  A buyer in Florida thought so as well! I do offer this one as a Giclee (print on canvas).  

This photo seems to be a little blurry, but I wanted to show you how this painting looks framed, and hanging as the focal point of this beautiful room!

Thanks for looking at my blog, and my original oil paintings.I love taking commissions/custom orders.

Please contact me through this blog or my Etsy Shop. Just click on the link below:

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art


Friday, July 14, 2017

Ain't He Purty... Macaw portrait in oils by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

The sketch is done on a 9" x 12" canvas panel. I have applied a mixture of Alizarin crimson red, and French Ultramarine blue. It makes a "black"- not a dull lifeless BLACK, but a natural "black" for the darkest areas and under layers needed to build upon.

He is nearly completed. I a apologize for not showing more of my steps while painting. Paintings have a mind of their own a lot of the time.Once the first strokes are added, I can't seem to stop for taking photos! I'll try to do better next time!

Finished- unframed

Finished- a look at it in a nice frame!

Please visit my Etsy Shop by clicking on the link provided below to see this piece, as well as others, listed for sale. I also offer prints on canvas of some of my sold works.

MaLee is interested in our local birds. I can sometimes tell  she wishes she could catch one, or two. She will look at me- like this photo captured- seemingly to say,"Aint he purty?"

Blessings to all,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Fine Art

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Painting a leopard in oils on a wood panel by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

I have a good likeness of my leopard portrait, and have used a mixture of French Ultramarine blue and Alazarin Crimson red, thinning it by adding a little of my odorless turp. I am using a photo reference,which isn't from my own (huge) collection.I have written permission to use this wonderful photo- any way I'd like- by the  original photographer. Always ask if you plan on using  other's work. Obtaining written permission is highly recommend!

I've added a blend of earth tones, which are a perfect match for the leopard, whose coloring is made especially to camouflage it in the jungle brush- in order to catch its meal, and keep it safe from predators as well.

I've added a lighter layer on top of the earth undertones. Isn't this a gorgeous animal, created by our wonderful, amazing creator? I think so when I paint each one., knowing I could never get it in paint like HE has by just speaking!

I've completed this glorious creature. His eyes speak to my soul, wanting peace, and the sweet freedom to live his life the way God intended.

I hope you are enjoying my post. Please take time to visit my Etsy Shop. I love taking custom orders, and can paint just about anything that you or I can come up with!

May you be blessed, with the freedom of worshiping a loving God, in the wonderful freedom-loving country of America. God has surely blessed us all!

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art
 #sandracutrerfineart  #EtsyShop  #EtsySeller

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Power of the Cross angels palette knife original art in oils by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

 I had an idea using more angels, but I thought I should add the very purpose of angels-the one who made us all, our Lord God, who became flesh and dwelt among us, died on a cross, so we might all be saved from our sins! The sketch is ready!

I lay in my darkest "darks", and get a good thinly-painted (wash) outline in before I start adding texture from my palette knife, and the fully loaded thin brushes I'll use for smaller details I'd like to make.

Here is my finished work. I've used a lot of Renaissance Gold oil paint on the cross, to make it pop with color! I love it! Very textured! I love the read heart in the center of the cross, which means His great love, like no other, who died for us- shed His blood, so He could one day bring us back to Him in heaven!

I hope you'll visit my Etsy Shop to see this piece, as well as others I have listed for sale.

Blessings to all, and stay cool in this HOT weather,

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art
#sandracutrerfineart  #SandraCutrer #Etsyart

Monday, July 10, 2017

Peaches and Hidden Cookies original oil painting palette knife by Sandra Cutrer Fine Art

I have my sketch all ready to add paint on this 12" x 12" x 1.5" deep, stretched canvas. I think this one will be done with a palette knife- all of it!

Here I have added some of the peaches with loads of paint and pretty reds and yellows. Aren't the peaches looking juicy and sweet? YUM!

Oh, about the title of the blog... peaches and hidden cookies. I think there are some delicious sugar cookies in that Cobalt colored Ginger Jar... they go great with fresh peaches! 

The finished painting! I'm happy with it. Vibrant colors like this make me feel great!

 ***Click on any photo to see it larger.

Please, click on the link below to go directly to my Etsy Shop to purchase this painting- free shipping!

A few close-up shots of the strokes and thick paint for the palette knife.

I enjoy taking custom orders. Please contact me from this blog, or my Etsy Shop- any page should show you a way to contact me. 

Blessings and happy eating!

Sandra Cutrer
Fine Art
#sandracutrerfineart # EtsyStore #EtsyUSA

It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...