A very pregnant Mrs Don Key and her very excited "husband" met me at the fence when I was wanting to take a few photos. Although I'd rather think they were excited to see me, I think they were both looking for a special treat- like an apple or a sweet carrot! $125.00- NO SHIPPING CHARGES if mailed inside the USA!
Although there are no Bible scriptures to confirm Mary rode on the back of a donkey on her way to Bethlehem, we like to think she did. I like to think there are still soft whispers among the little donkeys until this very day, wondering if they are cousins of that honored one who saw the Christ child after carrying the expectant mother all of those miles from home.
Matthew 1: 23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, "Which means God with us." (NIV)
Blessings & Merry Christmas to you,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Thank you for logging into my Art blog! If you are interested in purchasing a piece of my art listed on this BLOG,please click on the actual painting photo, or the added link to take you to my Etsy shop.If you are wanting a commissioned/custom painting done, please contact me at: sandrasart777@aol.com. Prints of most original works- sold or for sale- are also available. For prints, please contact me through my Etsy shop.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Pride & Sorrow drawing by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
We could have learned so much from the Native American Indians of yesteryear. So much pride in family, concern for the land they roamed or settled on, what love they showed for things made with their hands, their belief in God (although maybe different than American denominational beliefs), their concern was for their people, their heritage, the land that God had loaned to them, the animals God had given them for food. They never wasted a thing, always being thankful in the smallest of blessings! Their sorrow came form seeing the white man destroy all of this; taking and not giving back. Many died form broken hearts. When we choose to close our heart off to others, we have snuffed out the blessings God wants to give us. We have taped down the "gift" box, buried it, never to see what was inside. Open our eyes,oh Lord, so that we may see... all men are made in the image of God...
Romans 1:19-20 - since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (NIV)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Monday, December 12, 2011
What Big Ears You Have! by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Ah, Santa...what big ears you have... and so pointed! Wait a moment, don't we sometimes forget that Santa,too, is an elf! Doesn't he live where all of the other elves live? Isn't Santa magic??? Well, there you go- pointed ears makes for better hearing, as Santa has to make sure all of the little boys and girls are fast asleep before he makes his entrance!
Merry Christmas everyone!
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,though you are small among the clans of Judah,out of you will come for meone who will be ruler over Israel,whose origins are from of old,from ancienttimes. ”Micah 5:2
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Merry Christmas everyone!
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,though you are small among the clans of Judah,out of you will come for meone who will be ruler over Israel,whose origins are from of old,from ancienttimes. ”Micah 5:2
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tiger in the Grass-palette knife painting- by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
SOLD! Prints are available at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com.
"Tiger in the Grass" was painted in oils on a 12"x12"x1.5" gallery wrapped stretched canvas(painted on all sides) with palette knives.
This painting brings back sweet memories from a very long time ago.My only daughter, Michelle, who has since passed away from ovarian cancer, loved her Little Golden Books while growing up.One was called,"Charlie in the Grass". Charlie was a cute yellow kitten who struck out on his own, meeting his neighbors of birds, squirrels, rabbits, and such.At her request, I read the book so many times that Michelle finally memorized every word on each of the pages. At around 3 years old she would "read" it to me. How I miss those happy days! But, life goes on, faster and faster, I think. But, there is hope for another life, where we shall all be changed!
For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! II Corinthians 4:17.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, December 8, 2011
"Visiting" photo by Sandra Reeves-Cutrer
I took this photo in June of this year. My mother and daughter, who now live in heaven, loved butterflies. My husband and I had taken our older granddaughter (my deceased daughter's child) to the Chattanooga,TN area, to see some of the sites that we had seen as children (and adults), like Ruby Falls, The Incline Railway, and Rock City (where this photo was taken), while the weather wasn't too hot for outside fun. We had just climbed up one of the more rocky areas when this beautiful creature came fluttering overhead, landing several times on the nearby flowers, and upon our granddaughter's head and shoulders. Winter time isn't my favorite time, as things die. I know it is God's way- that old things are past away for new things to appear. But winter is painful, sometimes lonely and harsh on all of the senses. Spring on the other hand is amazing! Although I have no choice but to go through the winter, in order to see the spring and all of its bounty, I will enjoy my wonderful memories until I come to that place where there will be no death, no cold, no sorrows or heartaches. Oh, to see that day appear when we will be like him- King Jesus, whose birthday we are soon to celebrate!
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Native American Indian, original oil painting, figurative, Akecheta "Fighter" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Akecheta means "Warrior" in the Sioux language. This Chief is painted in oils on a 9" x 12" stretched canvas.
I enjoy painting Native American Indians, and find it satisfying, but challenging to capture their determination, great pride, and love for their people. I am proud to be part of the Choctaw-Cherokee family.
I enjoy painting Native American Indians, and find it satisfying, but challenging to capture their determination, great pride, and love for their people. I am proud to be part of the Choctaw-Cherokee family.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7-English Standard Version (ESV)Blessings,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebites.com for prints of original
Artist of Texas
Prints of this original are available at:
Saturday, December 3, 2011
"Kitchi" Native American Indian Warrior by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Kitchi, means "Brave" in the Native American Algonquin language.
This work was created in abstract-realism on a large 24" x 30" stretched, gallery wrapped canvas. I painted it in oils, using some bright hues, bold brush strokes, and added texture.
Some fun facts about the Algonquin language :
"Algonquian?" What does it mean?
Algonquian is pronounced "al-GON-kee-un." (GON rhymes with "on.") It doesn't actually mean anything. Anthropologists invented this term to refer to tribes who spoke a related group of languages. There are more than half a million Native American people today belonging to Algonquian tribes. The reason you cannot find online information about contemporary Algonquian people is that they rarely call themselves by this generic anthropological term.You can look them up by their real tribal names. There are a few extinct Algonquian tribes, including the Beothuk and Wappinger tribes, but the vast majority of Algonquian tribes still survive today.
...... everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.
-Mourning Dove (Salish) 1888-1936
Sandra Reeves-Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original painting
Artist of Texas
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Falling Leaves by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
As the leaves fall outside and the days turn colder, I am reminded that life, and death, go on. Time stops for no man, as everyone well knows. I have been scanning my many (over 6000) family photos for the last 5 months, or so. A few days ago, I scanned one of my elementary yearbooks,then made a list of the names of those that are no longer living. It nearly broke my heart. How sad to see such a long list for such a small school yearbook! But, the sun came up this morning, and God's world still turns. Today, I will love those around me, smile at every stranger, and do the best I can to be a blessing to those around me, as one never knows when another leaf will fall.
This painting is sold, but prints are available at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work!
Artist of Texas
This painting is sold, but prints are available at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work!
Artist of Texas
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Queen of the Beast by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I was excited today when I got home from a long day of running to and fro, to see that I had sold a print of one of my favorite paintings. I sell prints on FINE ART AMERICA. It is a great site to buy prints of your favorite paintings, or photographs. You can purchase posters, cards, all kinds of good things on the website, including how to purchase originals if they are available for sell.
Many of us will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving. I am just so thankful for so many things, too many to list! I have been blessed beyond anything that I could have ever imagined, or asked my Jesus for. I pray that you,too, are blessed, and that you will enjoy the coming holidays with those you love!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas
$125.00 original oil painting-5"x7". NO SHIPPING CHARGES if mailed inside the USA!
Many of us will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving. I am just so thankful for so many things, too many to list! I have been blessed beyond anything that I could have ever imagined, or asked my Jesus for. I pray that you,too, are blessed, and that you will enjoy the coming holidays with those you love!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Painting Goat
I thought someone might get a kick out of this photo. There are several goats at our nearby Houston Zoo who are now trained to hold a paint brush and paint their hearts desire on a canvas! It gives me hope. Heck, if a goat can do it ( I've also seen a couple of elephants painting on canvases a few years back), then surely we humans can take on the challenge! I have been super busy these last few months. Between summer vacation, traveling to 7 states, major surgery, and working long hours for a few family members, I am exhausted by the end of the day. I think the goat has given me renewed hope that I really can go back to my studio (hopefully soon) and pick up those paint brushes as if no time has elapsed since I last painted. I have several paintings left unfinished, and I hope they will be my best pieces of work yet. If not, I will have to pay a visit to the Houston Zoo and talk to the goats.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
"Akechita", Portrait of a Warrior, a Work in progress by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Although it has been several weeks since I worked in my studio, as I recover from major (and have I mentioned super painful) surgery, my heart is out in my studio, while my body seems to be slow in recovering. As I turned the page on my daily prayer and scripture calender this morning, I recalled some of the times in my past when I thought I didn't need anyone in my life, as I seemed to only be able to depend on myself at times to get things done. I am totally an "A" personality, and very determined to do things "right" (which really boils down to doing it my way) or die! Well, God can put us on our backs very quickly to remind us, in his loving, patient way of course, that we are not self- sufficient. We must depend on him, and look for his guidance, everyday. When we don't, we are showing our haughty pride and need to soar in self-sufficiency. God's word tells us that he hates a haughty look, among many other things. Ouch. Pride and self-sufficiency is not only unhealthy, but nothing near to why God created us to begin with. We need God. We need that connection that prayer brings us with him, and others- like family, our spouse, our friends, or neighbors.We should care and be cared for. There is no room in a Christian life for haughty pride and too much self dependence. As our example, Jesus,God in the flesh, showed us that we need him, and we must show love and be loved.
Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.
Blessings today,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.
Blessings today,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, July 18, 2011
Light of Grace by Sandra Reeves Cutrer 16"x20" $325.00
I am finally coming back to my blog after weeks of being away. We took a nice vacation with our older granddaughter, only to come home and have to deal with some major surgery for me. Thankfully,my husband took off of work to care for me. I don't know what I would have done without him. I don't think I would have made it! It was an extremely painful recuperating period, at times I did not think I would heal, or even survive. The pain seemed to be so extreme at times that I would cry out in tears, and an almost out-of-body experience, to God for some relief. I had moments of thinking that I would not live through this, as the pain was so horrific. Hopefully soon I will be back in my studio to create some new work.
When we are at our weakest it puts perspective on who is in charge in this life- surely not ourselves.
Light of Grace- $325.00. No shipping charge from this site- if mailed in the USA.Includes insurance & signature confirmation when received.
Hebrew word and meaning:
enosh: weak or sick — This word indicates our true state even though we don’t like to admit it. We are frail human beings apart from the strength of the Lord. It doesn’t matter how strong we think we are or how self-reliant we are, or how much we feel we are in control of our life, God will allow something to happen to us to remind us of our frailty. God wants us to recognize our own weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong."
Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas
When we are at our weakest it puts perspective on who is in charge in this life- surely not ourselves.
Light of Grace- $325.00. No shipping charge from this site- if mailed in the USA.Includes insurance & signature confirmation when received.
Hebrew word and meaning:
enosh: weak or sick — This word indicates our true state even though we don’t like to admit it. We are frail human beings apart from the strength of the Lord. It doesn’t matter how strong we think we are or how self-reliant we are, or how much we feel we are in control of our life, God will allow something to happen to us to remind us of our frailty. God wants us to recognize our own weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong."
Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
"Green Light" $75.00- still life by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Using a very limited palette- one green,yellow,red, and blue. I really enjoyed the challenge of this small still life. Painted in oils on a gallery wrapped canvas measuring 8x8x0.5 inches. Green is my favorite hue. I pretty much enjoy all shades of green (except maybe army green). This one was set up with more overhead lighting in an already sunny room- north light. Still lifes are a pleasure to paint, putting me a peaceful and relaxing mood. Bell peppers have such a wonderful aroma. When I was a child I use to search for them in our small garden, or frig, so I could eat them raw. Last week in our local market they were stocking such bright orange and yellow ones. I have never seen such a vibrant array of bell peppers before. I need to go back and purchase some for future still life work. What fun! $75.00
John 1:14 ESV
And the Word became flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas
John 1:14 ESV
And the Word became flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work
Artist of Texas
Friday, June 10, 2011
"Day Lilies" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $150.00
Its rare that I dream about my paintings, but I awoke this morning knowing that I dreamt about this painting named "Day Lilies" last night. I don't know if it's because I've missed painting and blogging for nearly three weeks, while our granddaughter was visiting and traveling with us, or because the heat is so terrible here, that I am wishing for a cool spring day like the one in this painting represents. I have visions of all of the work that I will get done, the wonderful ideas are floating around in my head, and heart, just waiting for me to pick up my brushes,load them with paint, and apply them to my canvases. I just hope I will be able to paint them as I see them in my mind's eye. So many times my paintings never go the way that I want them to, but rather how my brushes want them to. There are times that I feel that I own magic brushes, and other times they are misbehaving sticks with hair, making me work harder at figuring out where I am going with a piece.Such is life. It seems, right when we think all is well, our plans and dreams are like "ducks in a row" BOOM! Things go awry, causing us havoc, pain, sadness, or upheaval that leads us in a totally new and different direction than what we had planned. If we are Christians, living for Jesus, asking his will in our daily lives, we need to stay opened minded to his plans and not our own. Although he expects us to plan, be organized and productive in our lives, he also lets us know when we may have gotten off track and puts us on another road, leading us toward being the best that he knows we can be. Don't buck-up and be offended, Jesus knows what we need, when we need it. He is a "right-on-time" God!
Artist of Texas
Monday, May 23, 2011
Native American Indian Drawing by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Drawing is such fun.One of our beautiful granddaughters is here with her Pop and Nana for a good 2 weeks or so. We are having a blast, shopping until we drop, sleeping late, riding bikes, and looking forward to going on a trip to the mountains . I have promised to take some time this week to help her improve her drawing. She will be learning to shade, value lessons, composition, and how not to hold a pencil tightly, making hard lines where none should be. I am hoping she will be a great artist, along with her dream of being a veterinarian.
Have a blessed summer, and keep God first in all that you do. That is the recipe for true joy and success.
"Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." As the people celebrated God and shared with those in need the joy of the Lord came upon them.Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Have a blessed summer, and keep God first in all that you do. That is the recipe for true joy and success.
"Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." As the people celebrated God and shared with those in need the joy of the Lord came upon them.Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, May 20, 2011
God decides all things, not us!
According to the news, tomorrow is predicted to be "the end of the world" so says a few pitiful souls who haven't studied their Bible (with lots of prayer and fasting for wisdom). The word of God says that only God (the father of all) knows the time and hour of his coming. Don't fret, and don't believe those who predict it, for they are wrong in doing such a thing. But, instead, worry about whether you are right with God today, for you could die at any time and it will be the "end" for you,at least on this earth. You will face the only judge when HE decides, not men.
A few weeks ago, I thought Ms Bella, our sweet kitty, was too sick to live. I prayed and cried, but had little faith after watching her suffer for weeks. God doesn't always heal, as I know this first hand from losing a child to cancer (who, in my opinion, was way too young to die), so my faith was very shallow. I got my husband to take her to the vet, with the intent of having her put-down. Well, as you can see in the photo, it wasn't her time to "go", no matter what I thought, no matter how little faith I had. God made a way where I saw no way. It was such a simple thing for Him, but so hard for me. After all, I had to let go of fear and trust her maker. She is now healthier than she was before she got so sick. God knew exactly what she needed, but especially HE knew what I needed even more!
But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.Hebrews 11:6
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
A few weeks ago, I thought Ms Bella, our sweet kitty, was too sick to live. I prayed and cried, but had little faith after watching her suffer for weeks. God doesn't always heal, as I know this first hand from losing a child to cancer (who, in my opinion, was way too young to die), so my faith was very shallow. I got my husband to take her to the vet, with the intent of having her put-down. Well, as you can see in the photo, it wasn't her time to "go", no matter what I thought, no matter how little faith I had. God made a way where I saw no way. It was such a simple thing for Him, but so hard for me. After all, I had to let go of fear and trust her maker. She is now healthier than she was before she got so sick. God knew exactly what she needed, but especially HE knew what I needed even more!
But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.Hebrews 11:6
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
"Rush Hour" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $95.00
This is the same painting that I posted yesterday, with a few changes. I spent another hour or so on it today, which was still pretty quick work for me to call "finished" ( am I ever really finished with a painting??)
I hope you'll enjoy viewing it. I name it,"Rush Hour" because the rushing water reminds me of how we rush our time here on earth. Such a hurry, and for what? Thinking about this, and how guilty I am of rushing, it makes me stop and take a deep,deep breath. God, with your help, please allow me to notice when I am doing this, and help me to stop and pay attention to the day that I am in. This is my life, and I should take in every moment you have so graciously given to me.Amen!
12"x12"x1.5" gallery wrapped canvas,oils, $95.00.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints and cards of my work
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
"Rush Hour" oils on canvas by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Normally, I don't try for a "painting in a day", but yesterday was a rough day. A lot going on had me unplugging telephones and getting out to my studio. I grabbed a canvas and just started applying paint.Whatever came, came. And this is what I got. Funniest thing to happen was that it became a landscape! I am really not into landscape painting, but I think my mind went to the flowing water because it is such a peaceful thing. I sleep at night with a sound machine turned on to flowing water. I love the mountains, although I did not paint any in this work. Maybe because I feel like I am always climbing mountains lately in my life. I know there are things that I need to "touch-up", a few more hi-lights here and there, but this is what I did in a day. 12"x12", gallery wrap canvas. $95.00 plus shipping.
The First Day
The first recorded Words of God that we have are "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3 NIV). The sun was already shining brightly, but God made the earth's thick new atmosphere allow diffuse light to penetrate to the surface. And so it was that the light was made separate from darkness. The first day of earth's creation was literally the first "day" as someone on earth's surface would experience it - a period of opaque light, and a period of darkness. (Genesis 1:3-5)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
The First Day
The first recorded Words of God that we have are "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3 NIV). The sun was already shining brightly, but God made the earth's thick new atmosphere allow diffuse light to penetrate to the surface. And so it was that the light was made separate from darkness. The first day of earth's creation was literally the first "day" as someone on earth's surface would experience it - a period of opaque light, and a period of darkness. (Genesis 1:3-5)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, May 16, 2011
"Is It Safe?" Cat photo by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This little feral kitty seems to be asking me, "Is it safe, yet?", but yet he couldn't really trust me for an answer. I happened to be working in my yard one evening when this little sweetheart popped his head out of the limbs of my neighbor's tree. I could tell he was scared, but hungry. I went to get food and my camera. He allowed me to take several shots of him, but wouldn't trust me enough to come down and eat, instead he decided to run away. Little did he know that I adore cats, would have fed him, pampered him, and loved him like I love my indoor kitty. Learning to trust others, and God, is so much like this kitty situation. We want to trust others, but when people have burned us in the past it is hard to forget and trust again. When God doesn't answer our prayers ( the way we asked or hoped he would), instead he sends more hardship our way, more hurt, frustrations, and seemingly unanswered prayers, we panic and run. When the whole time, there are good people out there, waiting to have a trust worthy friend, the same as we, and God is wanting to love you, pamper you, and build your faith, we run before he can show us what the "big picture" is. So we lose out with what could have been for what we "saw" with our big-eyed fear in front of us, our past making our hearts so heavy with doubt and past hurts, that we can't find trust other than in ourselves. We need to know that we can't trust ourselves always, because as humans we are so full of emotions, Emotions play havoc on trust and faith. Learn to let go today, of the past, the pain, the hurt, and go forward. Yep, we can be hurt again, but then again we could learn there is more "good stuff" out there, more joy, more love, more good to be gotten, felt, given, and hoped for.
God bless,
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of this original photo!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
"Ah, Three's a Crowd!" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
זה היום עשה יהוה נגילה ונשמחה בו׃ (Hebrew Bible)
God loves all of His children and creatures!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, May 9, 2011
"All That Jazz" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $325.00
"All That Jazz" 24" x 24" x 2.5" ! A large gallery wrapped canvas with thick acrylics and oils, using palette knives and wide brushes. This painting was so much fun! Mardi Gras colors remind me of my many trips to the great city of New Orleans. $325.00 FREE shipping within the USA. Price includes ins. and signature confirmation.
Solomon writes: Eccl. 2:8 “I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. I acquired male and female singers the delights of the sons of men and musical instruments of all kinds”
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Solomon writes: Eccl. 2:8 “I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. I acquired male and female singers the delights of the sons of men and musical instruments of all kinds”
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Untitled and Unfinished Macaws by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I've missed posting for about a week or so. So much going on around me. I have been painting, just slow going as I try to fit it in to my much too busy days! Summer is upon us, gas prices are soaring, things are happening all around us in the news that will be a part of our history,tying in and reminding us of the horrors from 9/11. My mind wants to relax and get away from the turmoil! So, I have decided to stop work on a few other paintings for now, and focus on these beautiful birds. So vivid in color, so happy in their environment. So content. No matter what goes on around them, they are happy to be alive and healthy, singing and talking, while their hearts swell with joy from one another's company. Thank you Jesus, in the mist of all of the world's uproar and chaos, I know where my peace comes from.
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV)
Sandra Reeves Cutrersandrasart777@aol.com
Saturday, April 23, 2011
"Washed Ashore" first of a series, by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

"Washed Ashore" is painted with mixed media on an 8"x 8" gallery wrapped (all sides painted) stretched canvas.
I had such fun painting this one,that I created two more for a series of various seashells and a starfish.
Seashells remind me of the many times I've gone walking on the beach. From a small child to a middle aged adult, I don't think I will ever tire of hunting for that "perfect" or rare seashell. Our granddaughters enjoy exploring our beach just as much, always returning to Nana and Pop's house with a load of seashells and sand in their buckets. This is a fun triptych for only $75.00- NO shipping if mailed in the USA!
He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him. For he knows we are but dust- Psalm 103:13-14
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, April 22, 2011
"Strutting My Stuff" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $95.00
Some of our more famous forefathers raised roosters. Among them: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Clay, just to name a few. Today, many respected people such as lawyers, doctors, and working class families continue to raise these magnificent birds. While the press tends to focus on an unsavory element of society, who breeds roosters strictly for illegal fighting, the fact is that the vast majority of breeders are ordinary people, interested in the majesty and beauty of these fine animals.
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” Matthew 26:34
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, April 21, 2011
"On the Lookout" Baltimore Orioles by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

With its brilliant orange and black plumage, the Baltimore Oriole's arrival is eagerly awaited by birders each spring migration. Its preference for open areas and tall trees makes them a common inhabitant of parks and suburban areas. They are found in central Texas, and I have heard they especially love grape jelly. They are one of my favorite species of birds.
Many thanks to Larry Ditto for his written permission to use one of his many bird photos for this painting I have named, "On the Lookout". Larry has been a nature photographer for over 3 decades, with his focus on South Texas and Northeast Mexico, with photos appearing in National Geographic books, Field & Stream, Natural History, Sports Afield and other magazines for many years. Audubon calendars, Texas Parks &Wildlife Magazine, National Wildlife, and Texas Highways regularly feature his work. Thanks again Larry!
Painted in oils on a 16" x 20"x 1.5" gallery wrapped canvas (sides painted,no need to frame). Scroll through my listings for prices!
OOPS! Just sold! I'd love to create one similar to it especially for you! Please contact me through this blog, or at my email address : sandrasart777@aol.com
Look at the birds! They don't worry about what to eat- they don't sow or reap or store up food- for your heavenly Father feeds them...Matthew 6:26-27,TLB
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
"No Other Love" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This drawing, "No Other Love" reflects the love that a mother haves for her child. I don't think there is any other love comparable to that of a mother and her child.
This is an 11"x14" drawing of my niece and great niece done in graphite/pencils. I have always enjoyed drawing,especially people. Prints of original drawing are available at : Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
I always treasured time spent watching my babies sleep.Such sweetness and innocence. Love your babies while they are there with you,spend quality time with them, because you will blink and they will be gone all too soon. How fast they grow up and have lives and babies of their own.
Blessings to you and yours,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Artist of Texas
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites. com for prints of original work.
This is an 11"x14" drawing of my niece and great niece done in graphite/pencils. I have always enjoyed drawing,especially people. Prints of original drawing are available at : Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
I always treasured time spent watching my babies sleep.Such sweetness and innocence. Love your babies while they are there with you,spend quality time with them, because you will blink and they will be gone all too soon. How fast they grow up and have lives and babies of their own.
Blessings to you and yours,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Artist of Texas
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites. com for prints of original work.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Collage by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This was such fun to make,totally out of my oil-painting-box! Sometimes it just feels great to try something new and fresh,to open yourself up to new ideas. I have a couple of boxes full of things to make more collages with when I feel the urge to try something "free-spirited". Sometimes when our granddaughters come over, we go out to my studio and paint fun things.They have painted on canvases,plastic bottles,paper, and wood. I have several canvases of their hand and foot prints plastered all over large canvases when they were younger. What fun (and sadness) these paintings bring to my heart when I see how much they have grown! Try something new today, keep fun in your life,laugh much, dream, and keep hope on your daily to-do list.
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he. Proverbs 28:19
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he. Proverbs 28:19
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, April 18, 2011
"Sand and Sea Horses" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $125.00

Sand and Sea Horses is painted in oils on an 11"x14" stretched linen canvas, ready to frame and hang in your favorite spot, or a great gift for a friend.
We live about 10 minutes from the beach here in southeast Texas,and enjoy walking on the sand,and especially on our granite-lined Jetty. It's so much fun to see the various fish and seafood caught by the many various races of people who love come to fish here. One of my all time favorite trips to the beach is when the waves are up. I am not happy when hurricanes are coming toward the gulf, as usually we need to evacuate, but we try to make it to the beach before leaving so we can watch all of the surfers hit the big waves. Every once in awhile we can spot someone riding their horse on the beach. I have always thought this was such a romantic thing- riding horseback on the beach.There are no large dunes here, but I love the ones I've seen on the Florida beaches we've been able to visit.
Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water. When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. … Jesus spoke to them at once. "Courage!" he said. "It is I. Don't be afraid!" Matthew 14:25-31
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sunday, April 17, 2011
"Abstract" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Now part of a private collection. This painting was done in thick acrylics and oils, using copper,gold,green and other earth tones.
I love painting with earth tones. My home decor is full of earth tones. I find them calming and serene. Wasn't God smart to give us such harmony in nature. Such awesome colors here and there, perfect balance in all things- whether under the great depths of the mysterious seas and oceans, all the way up to the highest mountain tops- there is color- whether reflective light,our own shadows, or cast shadows, there is color.
Sold- prints are available at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of this original work!
I love painting with earth tones. My home decor is full of earth tones. I find them calming and serene. Wasn't God smart to give us such harmony in nature. Such awesome colors here and there, perfect balance in all things- whether under the great depths of the mysterious seas and oceans, all the way up to the highest mountain tops- there is color- whether reflective light,our own shadows, or cast shadows, there is color.
Sold- prints are available at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of this original work!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
"Beach Dreams" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Beach Dreams" is painted on a 16" x 20" stretched linen canvas ready to frame and hang in your favorite spot. Can you smell the salt and sand in the breeze as it whips through the two little girls hair. It looks as if they stopped playing with their sand buckets to catch a glimpse of the incoming sail boat. Maybe their mind is on the seagulls,too. Or it could be they are just enjoying each others friendship and company. What a great gift good friends are in our lives, whether they happen to be sisters,cousins, even brothers, the kid who sat next to you on your first day of school, or next door neighbors;friends are a treasure from God.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.John 15:15.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer r
Friday, April 15, 2011
"Wind and Waves" palette knife painting by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $75.00
"Wind and Waves" 12" x12" x1.5" gallery wrapped canvas $75.00. FREE shipping inside the USA. Price includes ins. and signature confirmation.
This painting was worked in thick acrylics with palette knives.Mostly monochromatic in color, with its darkness showing the seriousness of a night storm coming ashore.How rough it must be for the sailors and their boats when sudden storms come upon them. So much like everyday life; those storms can come upon us so suddenly,shocking us to the core.But stay calm,our God is able to quiet the most severe storms.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.Psalm 107: 28-31
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This painting was worked in thick acrylics with palette knives.Mostly monochromatic in color, with its darkness showing the seriousness of a night storm coming ashore.How rough it must be for the sailors and their boats when sudden storms come upon them. So much like everyday life; those storms can come upon us so suddenly,shocking us to the core.But stay calm,our God is able to quiet the most severe storms.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.Psalm 107: 28-31
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, April 14, 2011
"All That Jazz" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"All That Jazz" is painted on a 24" x 24" x 2.5" high quality, thick gallery wrapped stretched canvas (all sides are painted). I used thick acrylics, oils, palette knives and big brushes for this expressionistic-realism painting.
I love to hear someone playing the saxophone, and am especially proud of our younger granddaughter who is learning to play this amazing instrument in her band class. Every once in awhile my husband and I get to make it to New Orleans, and I love to go to Jackson Square and hear the people playing all of the different Jazz and Blues music. Along with the many genres of music and chic-to-shabby art galleries, come the tempting aromas from places like Cafe Du Monde, the tongue tickling smells of fresh baked bread as the local sandwich shops prepare their lunch time famous muffaletta's, and the many seafood restaurants filtrating the old brick streets that linger with the scent of late night dinners and parties by the dozen. contact me at sandrasart777@aol.com. For a price on all of my works for sell, please scroll through my listings. All shipping prices include ins. and signature confirmation.
He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."Revelation 14:7
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com for prints of original work!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
"Falling Leaves" in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Although this painting is now part of a private collection in New Orleans,LA, it remains one of my most favorite. Done in oils on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas, with palette knives and several thick layers for added texture. I love the rich colors and the rhythm of the work.The leaves seem to be floating off of the deep red background
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." Revelation 14:12 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." Revelation 14:12 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"Missed Stream" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Whistler "labored with pigments so thin as to be merely tinted turpentine". -- Writer John Updike (in "Whistler in the Dark", from Still Looking: Essays on American Art, p.95).
I actually made a very wet glaze of white to make it a little more "misty" since I kept making the values a little too dark in a few areas. I have been told to never paint a white glaze on anything, so I broke the "rule" and did what I thought was best! Everything we paint can't be a master piece, but it can be a part of who we are. Just like life, we try, we win, we lose, we fall,we run on the mountain tops, we sit in the valleys, we learn, we stumble. But these are all pieces in our life "puzzle". God is in control,all right, you just have to take the time to pray- talk to him, and listen. Ah,listening. That is a gift these days!
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"- Proverbs 1:5, NIV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, April 11, 2011
Palette knife landscape painting by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $125.00

I love the mountains and always feel like I am "home" when I go. My younger son recently moved to Birmingham, AL. Although there aren't any huge mountains there, like the Colorado Rockies, or the Smoky Mts. of Tennessee, it was beautiful at Christmas when we went. I can hardly wait to go back for a visit, especially after it warms up and the mountains are filled with greenery and sun-filled days!
John 1:3,10 “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made….He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (KJV)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, April 8, 2011
"Don't I Know You?" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $125.00
I thought I would go to my patio/outdoor studio for the last couple of days, to allow my brush and acrylics "talk to me". I had a blast painting this piece- looser than most of my work. I really enjoy how quickly acrylics dry, which makes it a different challenge than oils. You must work faster and concentrate more on where you want your colors to go since they will stay there,not like oils that can be easily pushed around on your canvas for days. Does she look like someone you know? Is she hiding her identity so she won't be followed? Or following someone she doesn't want to reveal herself to? $95.00-Free shipping inside the USA!
“And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” (Genesis 3:8).You can hide from man, but not from God.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, April 7, 2011
"Yokohama" rooster painting by TX artist, Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This Yokohama rooster painting, with all of the colorful (and healthy!) fruits and vegetables, just SOLD to a lovely lady and avid art collector. I feel privileged that she would add one of my pieces to her collection!
If you would like a painting done similar to this one, please contact me. I love doing commissions. Email me at: sandrasart777@aol.com
"Yokohama" is painted on a 12" x 24" x1" stretched canvas. I actually painted the sides, so it isn't necessary to frame. I had a lot of fun painting these beautiful roosters.
"The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them.People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7 (NLT)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
"Fruit of the Vine" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I love the flow of this piece, but especially the spiritual meaning that I got from painting it. In my heart I think of the leaves, their colors turning as the fall grabs at what remains of each life.The grapes, ripe and begging to be chosen. The wine glass, standing empty, but waiting to hold the "gift" from the labor of the vine. Like the grapes and leaves, our bodies age and gear toward the fall of our lives, with winter coming soon enough. We want to know that we have done something useful,hoping we have made a difference toward good in this world. We want to be able to pour out our gifts of knowledge,wisdom, love and lessons from mistakes we have learned before the end of our harvest.We want to share and know there was a real purpose for our life.
Fruit of the Vine
Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Fruit of the Vine
Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Sunday, April 3, 2011
"When the Wind Blows" miniature beach painting by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This is a little miniature, painted in oils on a 5"x4" stretched canvas.It is a reminder of the many times I spent on the Pass Christian beach which is down the road from Biloxi,MS. So many times hurricanes have blown in, destroying so many of the beautiful homes and businesses; but the people are strong and dedicated to their beautiful beach property, always rebuilding with much faith and determination.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, April 1, 2011
"Atsila" expressionism painting by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $125.00
I am really enjoying expressive painting. Expressive or Expressionism painting isn't about the actual expressions on a person or animal's face, but more about emotions of the painter,showing bold colors and strokes. This one is named "Atsila", which means fire in the Cherokee language. I have posted below a good defintion about the Expressionism style taken from About.com.
Definition: Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria. The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality. Their work was characterized by intense, violent, and non-naturalistic colors, painted in a textural manner.
Expressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists.
SOLD! For prints, please visit my site at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com- offering prints, note cards, posters,etc.
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Definition: Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria. The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality. Their work was characterized by intense, violent, and non-naturalistic colors, painted in a textural manner.
Expressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists.
SOLD! For prints, please visit my site at Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com- offering prints, note cards, posters,etc.
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Riding the Rails" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Riding the Rails" is one of my favorite paintings. I painted this for an advid train collector.
I used brushes and palette knives. It is on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas. Although this one is owned by a private collector, I would be happy to do a comission for you!
"Riding the Rails" is one of my favorite paintings. I painted this for an advid train collector. I used brushes and palette knives.
Psalm 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
Did you know that as Christians we are supposed to pray for the Jews? The word of God tells us that we will be blessed!With no end in sight to the turmoil in the Middle East, all signs and prophesies seem to point to an escalation in the violence and conflict. Yet no matter where you stand politically or spiritually regarding the current unrest in Israel, as Christians we can unite on one front: prayer. Israel, as a nation and a people, are God's chosen people. In Deuteronomy 32:10 and Zechariah 2:8, the Lord God calls Israel "the apple of his eye." And to Abraham, God said in Genesis 12:2-3, "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (NIV) Psalm 122:6 also encourages us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
I used brushes and palette knives. It is on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas. Although this one is owned by a private collector, I would be happy to do a comission for you!
"Riding the Rails" is one of my favorite paintings. I painted this for an advid train collector. I used brushes and palette knives.
Psalm 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
Did you know that as Christians we are supposed to pray for the Jews? The word of God tells us that we will be blessed!With no end in sight to the turmoil in the Middle East, all signs and prophesies seem to point to an escalation in the violence and conflict. Yet no matter where you stand politically or spiritually regarding the current unrest in Israel, as Christians we can unite on one front: prayer. Israel, as a nation and a people, are God's chosen people. In Deuteronomy 32:10 and Zechariah 2:8, the Lord God calls Israel "the apple of his eye." And to Abraham, God said in Genesis 12:2-3, "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (NIV) Psalm 122:6 also encourages us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
"Light of Grace" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $325.00
"Light of Grace" is painted on a 16"x20"x1" wrap around canvas (all sides painted), in oils with added texture. $125.00. FREE shipping inside the USA. Price includes ins. and signature confirmation.
I created "Light of Grace" with a direction of what it might feel like passing from life to death to heaven " in the blink of an eye". She looks as if she may be thinking of looking back, but not quiet. Maybe she is wondering what wonderful things are in store, but still has some vague memory of her very recent life before such sudden changes occurred. Is the light above her the "grace" in my title? Or, is her name Grace? Is this about God's grace to us all? I will allow the viewer to decide that.
For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows [present] grace and favor and [future] glory (honor, splendor, and heavenly bliss)! No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I created "Light of Grace" with a direction of what it might feel like passing from life to death to heaven " in the blink of an eye". She looks as if she may be thinking of looking back, but not quiet. Maybe she is wondering what wonderful things are in store, but still has some vague memory of her very recent life before such sudden changes occurred. Is the light above her the "grace" in my title? Or, is her name Grace? Is this about God's grace to us all? I will allow the viewer to decide that.
For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows [present] grace and favor and [future] glory (honor, splendor, and heavenly bliss)! No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
"Look at Those Weirdo's" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Ever wonder what the animals at the zoo are thinking about when we stare at them, or take photos? This guy was looking at me through some very thick glass (thank God) on my photo shoot at the Birmingham,AL Zoo. I am always trying to add to my future-painting-material files. He looked to me as if he were thinking, "What the heck is that weird thing?" while I snapped many shots of him and his roommate. Of course I am sure he has seen thousands of humans ( and camers), as we have seen thousands of animals. But is his curiosity just as unfulfilled as ours, continuing to be interested in something different than ourselves? I love photography almost as much as I love painting and sketching. I hope you will look at my other works.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, March 28, 2011
"Ms Bella" or Prima Donna- by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I am so very sad this morning. My husband is on the way to the vet (I couldn't quit crying to be able go) with Ms. Bella. After coming in the door yesterday, from my very long and tiring 11 day trip, I saw she has lost weight and was suffering with another bad UTI (urinary track infection). We rescued her from "death row" over 3 years ago. She was abused and scared of everything. We had her 2 weeks before she would come out from under the bed for more than a few moments. She has learned to trust us, and loves us as much as we love her; but every time I leave to go back "home" to Louisiana (and now, Alabama) to visit family, she gets a UTI. She suffers so much with it. I have hardly stopped crying, as I know we will have to find her a new home soon. I have to travel, as my granddaughters are in LA, my aging father, and now my younger son has moved off to AL. My husband was here with her, but she still missed her Mama. She has the loudest purr I have ever heard, loves to play with her pink ball-rolling it back and forth, and nearly passes out when you give her ears a good scratch. She loves to hang in my studio with me. She helped my heart to mend after we lost our precious Hopper when he passed from diabetes. My heart is breaking to pieces.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sunday, March 27, 2011
"Paradise Pond" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $275.00
This oil painting was created on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas. Price includes ins. and signature confirmation.
I have always thought ducks were so pretty. While growing up, we had our share of animals, including a few ducks.One evening my Dad had gone out to feed and water them.As soon as he turned on the water,he found the hose had been transformed into a sort of drip hose- with hundreds of cuts throughout the length of it. His first thought was that my two sons had practiced throwing their new pocket knives right onto the hose! Right after their spanking, here came the ducks waddling up to the hose, showing my Dad exactly how those holes had been made when they proceeded to bite on that "weird looking device",which they may have mistaken for a snake! But, later we had a sweet little pet duck we promptly named Cuckoo because he walked in circles, so all was forgiven, and we kept our ducks for a long time.
In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do unto me?- Psalm 56:11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I have always thought ducks were so pretty. While growing up, we had our share of animals, including a few ducks.One evening my Dad had gone out to feed and water them.As soon as he turned on the water,he found the hose had been transformed into a sort of drip hose- with hundreds of cuts throughout the length of it. His first thought was that my two sons had practiced throwing their new pocket knives right onto the hose! Right after their spanking, here came the ducks waddling up to the hose, showing my Dad exactly how those holes had been made when they proceeded to bite on that "weird looking device",which they may have mistaken for a snake! But, later we had a sweet little pet duck we promptly named Cuckoo because he walked in circles, so all was forgiven, and we kept our ducks for a long time.
In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do unto me?- Psalm 56:11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Third of my "Washed Ashore" series by Sandra Reeves Cutrer

Third of my "Washed Ashore" series, painted on a 12"x12" wrap around canvas (all sides painted), in mixed media . As you can see this one isn't a sea shell, but starfish and sea shells are neighbors! $75.00 for all 3 paintings- NO shipping if mailed in the USA!
Did you realize that water is mentioned 722 times in the scriptures? That is less than God, Jesus, heaven, or even the word love, but many more times than faith, hope, prayer or even worship. The first time water is mentioned in the scripture is found in Genesis 1:2. From the beginning of the Bible to the end water flows through the pages of scripture. It is full of passages that link water to Gods creating, blessing and saving work. This alone shows me the importance of water in our spiritual lives.Water symbolizes Gods Word in many places throughout the Bible. If, as believers, we continue to take the bible and water for granted and contaminate it, waste or spoil it, we will see that we will have difficulties in our physical bodies as well as in our spiritual lives.When a believer in Jesus accepts the bible and water, cherishes, respects and honors them both as the gifts of God that are freely given to us, we will find our reservoirs full. These are just a few of the both literal and figurative uses of water in the scripture. I believe that God has something to say to us.
Isaiah 12:2,3 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Friday, March 25, 2011
Second of "Washed Ashore"series by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This is my second of a series called "Washed Ashore". Mixed media on an 8"x8" wrapped canvas (all sides painted). Once this was completely dry I painted a different seashell in the middle. I am having a blast painting the water,beach,sand and sea shells, especially after all of the extremely cold weather we've recently experienced. The seashells remind me there will be summers on the beach again soon, since spring time has finally arrived!
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
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It's raining cats and dogs... by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I totally enjoy painting pet portraits, in oils, so much! Here are a few of my custom/commissioned pieces. I hope you wil enjoy them.If yo...

Rain,rain, and more rain.But I am finally getting around to working on my blog, which really needed some updates! I have several paintings t...
Yeah! I think I have called my longhorn finished. He is rather a big boy, on a large canvas ( 24x30). I used thick paint in some areas, sev...
I am trying a new approach to my paintings. I really enjoy the freedom that impressionism style offers. I hope you will enjoy looking! ...