"Light of Grace" is painted on a 16"x20"x1" wrap around canvas (all sides painted), in oils with added texture.
I created "Light of Grace" with a direction of what it might feel like passing from life to death to heaven " in the blink of an eye". She looks as if she may be thinking of looking back, but not quiet. Maybe she is wondering what wonderful things are in store, but still has some vague memory of her very recent life before such sudden changes occurred. Is the light above her the "grace" in my title? Or, is her name Grace? Is this about God's grace to us all? I will allow the viewer to decide that. FREE shipping inside the USA.
For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows [present] grace and favor and [future] glory (honor, splendor, and heavenly bliss)! No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thank you for logging into my Art blog! If you are interested in purchasing a piece of my art listed on this BLOG,please click on the actual painting photo, or the added link to take you to my Etsy shop.If you are wanting a commissioned/custom painting done, please contact me at: sandrasart777@aol.com. Prints of most original works- sold or for sale- are also available. For prints, please contact me through my Etsy shop.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
"King and Colors" in oil pastels by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"King and Colors" is painted on a 14"x 16" pastel board with oil pastels. One of few works that I've done in this medium. I really loved working with the oil pastels and hope soon to add few more pieces. He was such fun!
I love his bold colors and the look of thick texture in his mane. $100.00.00 NO shipping charges if mailed inside the USA!
1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV)
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I love his bold colors and the look of thick texture in his mane. $100.00.00 NO shipping charges if mailed inside the USA!
1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV)
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, February 25, 2011
Abstract by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
One of my newest abstracts, "Links" is painted in acrylics on a 16"x20"x2.5"(extra thick,professional) all sides painted,stretched linen canvas.I have used a bright copper paint, along with golds,reds,deep yellows, and browns. For me, the earthy colors created a very soothing mood. $125.00
Earthkeeping: Our Responsibility
We are care-takers. "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till and keep it," Genesis 2:15. The Hebrew words shamar and abad, usually translated as "till and keep" in this verse, could be just as accurately translated as "serve and preserve." The word shamar is also used in Numbers 6:24: "The Lord bless you and keep you." God desires that we treat the creation in the same way that God treats us.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Earthkeeping: Our Responsibility
We are care-takers. "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till and keep it," Genesis 2:15. The Hebrew words shamar and abad, usually translated as "till and keep" in this verse, could be just as accurately translated as "serve and preserve." The word shamar is also used in Numbers 6:24: "The Lord bless you and keep you." God desires that we treat the creation in the same way that God treats us.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"Methai" elephant in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Methai" is one of the many Indian elephants that make their home at the Houston Zoo.
My husband and I took a trip a few weeks back, bringing along my newest digital camera. Most of the animals did not "behave" for photos, but I was blessed to catch several good shots of the elephants. They were so frisky that day, since it was a warm break from weeks of very cold weather. The calves were super frisky, which made it hard to catch even one good shot of those 200-350 pound babies.
"Methai" is painted in oils on an 8"x 10" clay board. Contact me at sandrasart777@aol.com
Sometimes I hear people questioning as to whether God is going to have animals in Heaven. As a Christian, I believe that heaven just wouldn't be heaven without animals. I believe that the Creator of millions of different species of animals, birds, insects and fish is a God who loves variety and adores all of His creation. A careful study of the Bible convinces me that Heaven will be richer in everything, including animal life than the most paradise-like part of earth we've ever seen so far. God said it has not entered in to the heart of man what He has in store for us. I love animals, and so does the one who created them. I even dream of seeing my beloved pets that I have lost in this life.
"This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head." Ephesians 1:10
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Texas Artist
My husband and I took a trip a few weeks back, bringing along my newest digital camera. Most of the animals did not "behave" for photos, but I was blessed to catch several good shots of the elephants. They were so frisky that day, since it was a warm break from weeks of very cold weather. The calves were super frisky, which made it hard to catch even one good shot of those 200-350 pound babies.
"Methai" is painted in oils on an 8"x 10" clay board. Contact me at sandrasart777@aol.com
Sometimes I hear people questioning as to whether God is going to have animals in Heaven. As a Christian, I believe that heaven just wouldn't be heaven without animals. I believe that the Creator of millions of different species of animals, birds, insects and fish is a God who loves variety and adores all of His creation. A careful study of the Bible convinces me that Heaven will be richer in everything, including animal life than the most paradise-like part of earth we've ever seen so far. God said it has not entered in to the heart of man what He has in store for us. I love animals, and so does the one who created them. I even dream of seeing my beloved pets that I have lost in this life.
"This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head." Ephesians 1:10
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Texas Artist
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
"Wings of Freedom" flag painting in oils
"Wings of Freedom" was painted with appreciation for all of our American service men and women- from Texas or not. I saw a movie the other night called,” The Lost Valentine" with Betty White (who is nearly 90) made by the Hallmark company. What an awesome movie geared toward our service people- past and present, remembering the widows and other family members who lost their loved ones because of their ultimate sacrifice. It is about love for country, and the great bond that holds like super glue between comrades. I cried so hard I could hardly breathe. My dad is so proud of the years that he served in the Navy. As he ages, he talks about it more often. In this movie they have a moment or two that shows a few WWII vets. You could see the love and honor, the complete respect in their eyes for the body of their fallen comrade, although he had been missing in action for 66 long years.
May God bless and watch over all of those who are serving this great country today, yesterday, and tomorrow. May he keep angels watching over each one, and their families who sacrifice along with them. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Wings of Freedom is painted in oils on a 24"x 30" stretched canvas. Scroll through my listings for prices!
Please contact me at sandrasart777@aol.com with any questions. I also sell on Etsy.com.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
"Falling Leaves" in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Although this painting is now part of a private collection in New Orleans,LA, it remains one of my most favorite. Done in oils on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas, with thick impasto added for texture. I love the rich colors and the rhythm of the work .The leaves seem to be floating off of the deep red background.
SOLD- prints are available at : Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." Revelation 14:12 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
SOLD- prints are available at : Sandra-Cutrer.artistwebsites.com
"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." Revelation 14:12 ESV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, February 21, 2011
"Life is Tough Sometimes"
Ms Bella is the second biggest supporter of my painting efforts (my husband Bob being my #1 fan). She is in my studio nearly every day, although she doesn't always stay, mind you. She has bigger things to do when the smell of turps and oils gets a might too strong, or my “inspirational” music, which can be classical all the way to down-home banjo picking, becomes a wee bit too loud for her sensitive ears (she prefers soft country).
When we are outside, in the patio studio, she seems to become a little light headed from the warm sunshine, (or maybe she is being hypnotized by the birds), but I get more vibes towards her approval on certain subjects that I paint (like painting her majesty). Other times it seems she is just becomes frazzled about my long hours of work without some much needed play time with her,where upon she will roll her favorite pink ball at my feet.And then there are just times when she just all out relaxes about the whole long process of making sure that I get my work done. If only our lives were as simple as an indoor, spoiled, demanding feline. But, I love that girl…
Ecclesiastes 2:24: There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God...
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
When we are outside, in the patio studio, she seems to become a little light headed from the warm sunshine, (or maybe she is being hypnotized by the birds), but I get more vibes towards her approval on certain subjects that I paint (like painting her majesty). Other times it seems she is just becomes frazzled about my long hours of work without some much needed play time with her,where upon she will roll her favorite pink ball at my feet.And then there are just times when she just all out relaxes about the whole long process of making sure that I get my work done. If only our lives were as simple as an indoor, spoiled, demanding feline. But, I love that girl…
Ecclesiastes 2:24: There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God...
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sunday, February 20, 2011
"Memories of Long Ago" Native American Indian
Native American Prayer
Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world - hear me. I come before you, one of your children. I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, *MYSELF*. Make me ever ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come you without shame.
Yellow Hawk, Sioux Chief
Native American colored pencil drawing

Sandra Reeves Cutrer
You can also see my work on Etsy.com
Artist of Texas
Saturday, February 19, 2011
"Washed Ashore" Starfish
Third of my "Washed Ashore" series, painted on a 12"x12" wrap around canvas (all sides painted), in mixed media . As you can see this one isn't a sea shell, but starfish and sea shells are neighbors! $75..

Can you imagine life without water? I started thinking about the Bible and water,and how they are very much connected. I found the following information online:
Water is mentioned 722 times in the scriptures. That is less than God, Jesus, heaven or love, but many more times than faith, hope, prayer or even worship. When I found that out I thought it very interesting and wanted to learn more.The first time water is mentioned in the scripture is found in Genesis 1:2. From the beginning of the Bible to the end water flows through the pages of scripture. It is full of passages that link water to Gods creating, blessing and saving work. This alone shows me the importance of water in our spiritual lives.Water symbolizes Gods Word in many places throughout the Bible.
If, as believers, we continue to take the bible and water for granted and contaminate it, waste or spoil it, we will see that we will have difficulties in our physical bodies as well as in our spiritual lives.
When a believer in Jesus accepts the bible and water, cherishes, respects and honors them both as the gifts of God that are freely given to us, we will find our reservoirs full.
These are just a few of the both literal and figurative uses of water in the scripture. I believe that God has something to say to us. I urge you to read, study, and meditate on this further. I know that I will.
Isaiah 12:2,3 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue

Can you imagine life without water? I started thinking about the Bible and water,and how they are very much connected. I found the following information online:
Water is mentioned 722 times in the scriptures. That is less than God, Jesus, heaven or love, but many more times than faith, hope, prayer or even worship. When I found that out I thought it very interesting and wanted to learn more.The first time water is mentioned in the scripture is found in Genesis 1:2. From the beginning of the Bible to the end water flows through the pages of scripture. It is full of passages that link water to Gods creating, blessing and saving work. This alone shows me the importance of water in our spiritual lives.Water symbolizes Gods Word in many places throughout the Bible.
If, as believers, we continue to take the bible and water for granted and contaminate it, waste or spoil it, we will see that we will have difficulties in our physical bodies as well as in our spiritual lives.
When a believer in Jesus accepts the bible and water, cherishes, respects and honors them both as the gifts of God that are freely given to us, we will find our reservoirs full.
These are just a few of the both literal and figurative uses of water in the scripture. I believe that God has something to say to us. I urge you to read, study, and meditate on this further. I know that I will.
Isaiah 12:2,3 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Friday, February 18, 2011
"Riding the Rails" in oils by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Riding the Rails" is one of my favorite paintings. I painted this for an advid train collector.
I used brushes and palette knives. It is a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas. Although this one is owned by a private collector, I would be happy to do a comission for you!
"Riding the Rails" is one of my favorite paintings. I painted this for an advid train collector. I used brushes and palette knives.
Psalm 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
Did you know that as Christians we are supposed to pray for the Jews? The word of God tells us that we will be blessed!With no end in sight to the turmoil in the Middle East, all signs and prophesies seem to point to an escalation in the violence and conflict. Yet no matter where you stand politically or spiritually regarding the current unrest in Israel, as Christians we can unite on one front: prayer.
Israel, as a nation and a people, are God's chosen people. In Deuteronomy 32:10 and Zechariah 2:8, the Lord God calls Israel "the apple of his eye." And to Abraham, God said in Genesis 12:2-3, "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (NIV) Psalm 122:6 also encourages us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Blessings,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Palette knife landscape painting by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This is a palette knife painting worked on a 16"x20" stretched linen canvas.
I love the mountains and always feel like I am "home" when I go. My younger son recently moved toBirmingham , AL . Although there aren't any huge mountains there, like the Colorado Rockies, or the Smoky Mts. of Tennessee , it was beautiful at Christmas when we went. I can hardly wait to go back for a visit, especially after it warms up and the mountains are filled with greenery and sun-filled days!
John 1:3,10 “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made….He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (KJV)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I love the mountains and always feel like I am "home" when I go. My younger son recently moved to
John 1:3,10 “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made….He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (KJV)
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Second of my series "Washed Ashore"
This is my second of a series called "Washed Ashore". Mixed media on an 8"x8" wrapped canvas (all sides painted). Once this was completely dry I painted a different seashell in the middle. I am having a blast painting the water,beach,sand and sea shells, especially after all of the extremely cold weather we've recently experienced. The seashells remind me there will be summers on the beach again-soon!
All 3 paintings for $75.00, and NO SHIPPING charged if mailed in the USA!
All 3 paintings for $75.00, and NO SHIPPING charged if mailed in the USA!
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16: 11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
"Hold Me Sissy" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Hold Me Sissy" is part of a private collection.
Two sisters, on the beach, show meaning and importance of family.
Make allowances for other's faults." Col 3:13,NLT
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, February 14, 2011
"Washed Ashore" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
"Washed Ashore" is painted with mixed media on an 8"x 8" gallery wrapped (all sides painted) stretched canvas.
I had such fun painting this one, that I am considering creating a series of various seashells and colors.
Seashells remind me of the many times I've gone walking on the beach. From a small child to a middle aged adult, I don't think I will ever tire of hunting for that "perfect" or rare seashell. Our granddaughters enjoy exploring our beach just as much, always returning to Nana and Pop's house with a load of seashells and sand in their buckets. $35.00 plus shipping and insurance.
He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him. For he knows we are but dust- Psalm 103:13-14
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
I had such fun painting this one, that I am considering creating a series of various seashells and colors.
Seashells remind me of the many times I've gone walking on the beach. From a small child to a middle aged adult, I don't think I will ever tire of hunting for that "perfect" or rare seashell. Our granddaughters enjoy exploring our beach just as much, always returning to Nana and Pop's house with a load of seashells and sand in their buckets. $35.00 plus shipping and insurance.
He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him. For he knows we are but dust- Psalm 103:13-14
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sunday, February 13, 2011
"Paradise Pond" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer $275.00
I have always thought ducks were pretty, but I know to keep my distance from most because of being chased by a few on several different occasions! While growing up, we had our share of animals, including a few ducks.One evening my Dad had gone out to feed and water them.As soon as he turned on the water,he found the hose had been transformed into a sort of drip hose- with hundreds of cuts throughout the length of it. His first thought was that his two sons had practiced throwing their new pocket knives right onto the hose! Right after their spanking, here came the ducks waddling up to the hose, showing my Dad exactly how those holes had been made when they proceeded to bite on that "weird looking device",which they may have mistaken for a snake! But, later we had a sweet little pet duck we promptly named Cuckoo because he walked in circles, so all was forgiven.
In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do unto me?- Psalm 56:11
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Saturday, February 12, 2011
"Missed Stream" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer of Lake Jackson,TX
"Missed Stream" is a quick study done on paper with acrylics. It was a painting challenge, based on the famous artist,James McNeill Whistler; limiting my palette to a single blue, a single yellow, and a white.
Whistler "labored with pigments so thin as to be merely tinted turpentine". -- Writer John Updike (in "Whistler in the Dark", from Still Looking: Essays on American Art, p.95).
I actually made a very wet glaze of white to make it a little more "misty" since I kept making the values a little too dark in a few areas. I have been told to never paint a white glaze on anything, so I broke the "rule" and did what I thought was best! Everything we paint can't be a master piece, but it can be a part of who we are. Just like life, we try, we win, we lose, we fall,we run on the mountain tops, we sit in the valleys, we learn, we stumble. But these are all pieces in our life "puzzle". God is in control,all right, you just have to take the time to pray- talk to him, and listen. Ah,listening. That is a gift these days!
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"- Proverbs 1:5, NIV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Whistler "labored with pigments so thin as to be merely tinted turpentine". -- Writer John Updike (in "Whistler in the Dark", from Still Looking: Essays on American Art, p.95).
I actually made a very wet glaze of white to make it a little more "misty" since I kept making the values a little too dark in a few areas. I have been told to never paint a white glaze on anything, so I broke the "rule" and did what I thought was best! Everything we paint can't be a master piece, but it can be a part of who we are. Just like life, we try, we win, we lose, we fall,we run on the mountain tops, we sit in the valleys, we learn, we stumble. But these are all pieces in our life "puzzle". God is in control,all right, you just have to take the time to pray- talk to him, and listen. Ah,listening. That is a gift these days!
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"- Proverbs 1:5, NIV
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Friday, February 11, 2011
"A Moment in Paris" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Paris was everything you've ever hear about if you haven't yet seen it for yourself. It was truly the country of romance and art. With history bursting at the seams, and the smells of fresh bread and coffee on every corner, who wouldn’t be happy in Paris! It was breathtaking each and every morning, and more so every night. Paris is a place that begs you to come back soon when you say your hurried goodbyes. I dream of going back and staying for a month or two. I am not really a landscape artist, but I would love to paint the people! Ah, the people. I will tell you that any stories that you might have heard questioning their kindness, or their hospitality, toward Americans can be put to rest. We were treated like family at every place we went. With so much to see; my feet would beg me to stop and rest, but there were only so many hours in our short week to see this magnificent city!
There are so many great memories about that trip! I especially enjoyed one night, as my son and I looked out over our balcony window; the rain was hitting the leaves on the tree that grew against the hotel wall, bringing in such a peaceful sound and earthy aroma. We were looking out through the rain, watching the colored lights change on the Eiffel Tower when I happened to look down and catch glimpses of the ladies rushing from their evening shopping. The street lamps threw out their beacons of light, ushering them home to prepare their evening meal.
There are so many great memories about that trip! I especially enjoyed one night, as my son and I looked out over our balcony window; the rain was hitting the leaves on the tree that grew against the hotel wall, bringing in such a peaceful sound and earthy aroma. We were looking out through the rain, watching the colored lights change on the Eiffel Tower when I happened to look down and catch glimpses of the ladies rushing from their evening shopping. The street lamps threw out their beacons of light, ushering them home to prepare their evening meal.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
On the Lookout by Artist Sandra Reeves Cutrer
With its brilliant orange and black plumage, the Baltimore Oriole's arrival is eagerly awaited by birders each spring migration. Its preference for open areas and tall trees makes them a common inhabitant of parks and suburban areas. They are found in central Texas, and I have heard they especially love grape jelly. They are one of my favorite species of birds.
Many thanks to Larry Ditto for his written permission to use one of his many bird photos for this painting I have named, "On the Lookout". Larry has been a nature photographer for over 3 decades…full time for 7 years. He is a member of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) and the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers Association (RMOWP).His focus is on South Texas and Northeast Mexico, with photos appearing in National Geographic books, Field and Stream, Natural History, Sports Afield and other magazines for many years. Audubon calendars, Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine, National Wildlife, and Texas Highways regularly feature his work. In 2000, he won The Valley Land Fund Wildlife Photo Contest. If you've read the book, Texas Wildlife Portfolio, you may recall seeing a lot of his photos there.Thanks again Larry!
Painted in oils on a 16"x 20"x 1.5" gallery wrapped canvas (sides painted,no need to frame) . For shipping (contact me at sandrasart777@aol.com) or at Etsy.com. Shipping prices include ins. and signature confirmation.
A portion of my profits go to Saint Jude and The Penn Cancer Research Center, for ovarian cancer research in memory of my daughter,Michelle.
Here's hoping that we will have an early spring!
Look at the birds! They don't worry about what to eat- they don't sow or reap or store up food- for your heavenly Father feeds them...Matthew 6:26-27,TLB
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Artist of Texas
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
When the Wind Blows
This is a little miniature that I painted in oils on a 5"x4" stretched canvas.It is a reminder of the many times I spent on the Pass Christian beach which is down the road from Biloxi,MS. So many times hurricanes have blown in, destroying so many of the beautiful homes and businesses; but the people are strong and dedicated to their beautiful beach property, always rebuilding with much faith and determination.
Philippians 4:13 ESV
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Philippians 4:13 ESV
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Something New
I am not sure if I will just leave this one alone or add a little something. I am enjoying the colors and textures. Very soothing. I don't do a lot of abstracts, but when I do I usually create one after working on a very detailed realistic painting.It allows me to be lose and free;whatever happens happens! Painted in acrylics on an 8"x8" stretched linen canvas, sides painted so it can be framed or left unframed. No price yet,as I am not sure what or if I will add to this!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Monday, February 7, 2011
Lion Around
This is a photo that I recently took at the Houston Zoo. I must be on a cat kick, since I have painted several cat paintings lately. I do love cats,always have. I could not even begin to tell you how many cats we had on and off while growing up. My mother,bless her soul, was a pushover for any and all strays. We kids could go without another pair of shoes or a new winter coat, but that poor animal had to go to the vet and have us as their foster family until someone else decided they wanted to adopt it (and we lived in a subdivision in town). After us kids all grew up and moved out, my parents moved to the country, purchasing over 8 acres. They had cows,ducks,a donkey once, and Lord knows what. They also possessed the most popular drop-off-driveway for stray dogs and cats. Many generations of kittens were born on their property. I like to think my mom is in heaven, in charge of those who never found their way to her and my dad's little humble place, where no animal was ever turned away or abused.
Proverbs 12:10
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Lake Jackson,TX
Proverbs 12:10
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Lake Jackson,TX
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Fruit of the Vine- oils- by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This painting was born from different ideas in my head. The leaves came from a photo I had seen in a magazine, although I changed the colors and some shapes. The grapes came from other photos here and there, and the wine glass placed under the cluster of grapes was born in my mind. I love the flow of this piece, but especially the spiritual meaning that I got from painting it. In my heart I think of the leaves, their colors turning as the fall grabs at what remains of each life.The grapes, ripe and begging to be chosen. The wine glass, standing empty, but waiting to hold the "gift" from the labor of the vine. Like the grapes and leaves, our bodies age and gear toward the fall of our lives, with winter coming soon enough. We want to know that we have done something useful,hoping we have made a difference toward good the world. We want to be able to pour out our gifts of knowledge,wisdom, love and lessons from mistakes we have learned before the end of our harvest.We want to share and know there was some real purpose for us.
We are all here for the greatest purpose; to love and be loved by God, by family,friends, and to love ourselves.
Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
We are all here for the greatest purpose; to love and be loved by God, by family,friends, and to love ourselves.
Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Saturday, February 5, 2011
"No Other Love" by Sandra Reeves Cutrer
This is an 11"x14" drawing of my niece and great niece done in graphite/pencils. I have always enjoyed drawing,especially people. I took the photo while my niece held one of my nephew's sleeping twin girls. I always loved to watch my babies sleeping.Such sweetness and innocence at this age.
Blessings to you and yours,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Blessings to you and yours,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Sandra's Art Avenue
Thursday, February 3, 2011
"Atsila" Portrait in Expressionism style
I am really enjoying some practice with expressive painting. Expressive or Expressionism painting isn't about the actual expressions on a person or animal's face, but more about emotions of the painter,showing bold colors and strokes. This one is named "Atsila", which means fire in the Cherokee language. I have posted below a good defintion about the Expressionism style taken from About.com.
Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria. The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality. Their work was characterized by intense, violent, and non-naturalistic colors, painted in a textural manner.
The first group of Expressionists, called Die Brucke (The Bridge), was formed in Dresden in 1905, by Ernst Kirchner, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and Erich Heckel. The other major Expressionist group was called Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider).
Expressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists.
I pray you all have a warm place to stay during this super cold weather, a hot cup of cocoa (or coffee) in your hands, and a warm heart for those less fortunate.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Expressionism is a term used to describe a movement of the early 20th century (c.1905-20) that was most prominent in Germany and Austria. The aims of an Expressionist were to express emotions through the use of vivid colors and strong, distorted lines, rather than capturing a likeness or reality. Their work was characterized by intense, violent, and non-naturalistic colors, painted in a textural manner.
The first group of Expressionists, called Die Brucke (The Bridge), was formed in Dresden in 1905, by Ernst Kirchner, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and Erich Heckel. The other major Expressionist group was called Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider).
Expressionism is the opposite of Impressionism, which emphasized painting what the artist observed. The work of Vincent van Gogh had a lot of influence on artists who are now classified as Expressionists.
I pray you all have a warm place to stay during this super cold weather, a hot cup of cocoa (or coffee) in your hands, and a warm heart for those less fortunate.
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Chief Wannabee SOLD!
Chief Wannabee was painted from one of my many photos. This child, who happens to be my son, loved to dress up in his American Indian-style headdress and clothing that I had made for him. According to my parents, both sides of our family are descended from the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes of what is now the state of Mississippi.
Chief Wannabee is painted in oils on a 12"x12"x2" stretched linen canvas
If you have a favorite photo you would like painted, please contact me. I love doing commissions.
Have a blessed day,
Sandra Reeves Cutrer
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Katherine Hepburn study
Today I am missing my friend, Doris Murrell. She passed away a few months ago after a short illness. Doris was a great master of portrait painting. Always in her studio, even when her hands would barely hold a paint brush, she painted,studied, and loved every second of it all. I painted this in one of her limited classes not too long before she became really sick. I will always wish that I was able to spend more time than I did with her.
I am so blessed to have known such a fine, Christian lady and awesome teacher.
Blessings and Happy painting to my fellow artist.
I am so blessed to have known such a fine, Christian lady and awesome teacher.
Blessings and Happy painting to my fellow artist.
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